Dematerialise transforms non-physical and intangible experiences into a physical, tangible journey by interrogating the awakening conscious state. This work brings the ethereal boundlessness of spiritual experiences into the physical world, exploring dualist ideas of the interconnection of mind, body, and environment. 
The experience entails engaging in guided meditation, and afterwards the viewer is asked a series of questions based on their experience during the session. The response to these questions determines their ensuing personal immersive experience.
Viewers enter the Meditation Space and engage in a 10 minute guided meditation ‘A Meditation for Inner Peace’. After meditating, the viewer then answers questions on a tablet inside their meditation pod based on this meditation session. These questions ask how the space in the viewer’s mind may look as their consciousness becomes awakened. Their answers determine the immersive experience in Dematerialise.
The immersive projections in the Mind-Spaces are an artistic representation of visualisations of light during meditation. Everyone who practices meditation experiences varying light visualisations which develop with their practice.
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